Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I did say I always wanted to move to Florida.

With a psycho and her four wild and almost feral children wasn't in the picture though. I learned that she had done this whole surrogacy thing before and a lawsuit, over what I never did figure out, followed.

She also had taken her boss's credit card and had been living off of it, explaining the endless money, which was why we were on the run. I had been sucked into becoming a fugative.

When we arrived at the house she had rented, it sudden;y didn't meet her approval. It wasn't that there was no furniture, I seriously believe it was that it faced down a road and so people could see the commings and goings.

The kids weren't enrolled in school right away, also something I found out to be the norm. By asking questions and doing the math, I found out they attended eleven schools in one year alone. Explained a lot.

It didn't take her long to find us another house, two doors down and this time with furniture. It was managed by a sweet English couple and their son whom also did all of the maintenance.

That house was due to have guests in, so after a couple nights we packed up once again and moved to a bigger house up the street the other way.

We were in that house three weeks.