Friday, February 6, 2009

Before The Big Bad Wolf

Him. My biological father. I don't think he was really a horrible person. Small minded animals tend to lash out in fear when confronted with the unknown. There was little else that town could have done but to produce him, and others just like him. When I was young, he worked in a potato chip factory and even to this day I have a penchant for Kettle Cooked Barbeque Potato Chips. I remember the little red chip bags, shiny foil so the seasoning stayed on the chips. My mouth waters at the thought of them.

No matter how much I hate what he became, to hate someone, you must first have feelings for them, otherwise, it's just indifference. Bubby doesn't remember the chip factory and he wouldn't, he is to young, it is my memory only.

Later, when we were in school, he worked for a candy company. Not just any candy company but Sunline who makes Sweettarts. Bubby remembers Him working there, remembers the candy brought home and the popularity at the holidays.

I remember the year the Mississippi River flodded and we worried every night if He would be able to get across the bridge to come home. Watching the scrolling list of deceased at the end of the local news and hoping and praying we never recognised any names.

These are the few memories I have of the Before. Memories of fun Christmas's and friends in the house. Memories of being an all-American average family.

I am glad that I have those memories.