Sunday, February 8, 2009


I Hate Centralia. Granted, it is technically my hometown and it was where I was born, but, it is the type of place that I wouldn't even send my worst enemies to.

Being different, even good different, was frowned upon. It was the type of little place where everyone's family had lived there for generations and people rarely moved in or out except from the very near surrounding area. Leading, in my personal opinion, to a certain degree of inbreeding.

As a child, I felt safe there; able to roam all over town on my bike or on foot. Small and familiar, an everyone knows everyone place.

Later on I would come to realize the dark side to it, how much they still lived very far in the past. How people who should have been the pillar of the town would simply turn their backs in our hour of need and bid us fairwell to leave the town. Had anything worse come from what would be my last few years living there, I would have forever held them responsible.

I don't really have much positive to say about that place or most of the people in it. Therefore, I will let the stories of my early teen years living there do it for me.