Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanks and Turkeys

He's my little turkey and I love him. His blue eyes just melt my heart and his smile and giggles fill up a room. He has an amazing personality and, I'm afraid, a bit of my attitude and perhaps temper.

I don't really ever want to share him with anyone else, but at the same time I want to share what a joy he is to me.

It feels like just yesterday it was the beginning of summer and I thought he would never arrive and now he's five and a half months old. He reminds me of everything in life there is to be thankful for. Love and family, doctors and friends and miracles. Every day I find more reasons why maybe he was exactly what I needed. He has mellowed me. Well, a little anyways. He has slowed me down and cooled my fighting side. He has made me stronger and braver.

I can hardly believe sometimes, even when all I can do is curl up and cry, that I would be blessed with such an amazing little gift. It amazes me how he has been through so much already and still wakes up every morning with a smile on his face and a little mischevious twinkle in his eye.

His is forever my baby and I love him.