Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Then reality hits...

I got a call today after school from my mother, which was a bit weird because I knew she was at work, and at first felt it was a bit of an intrusion because I was studying and enjoying the nice weather. At first she wondered why I was still at school if my classes were over for the day and seemed a bit upset that I wasn't home where I could talk but eventually she got around to the reason for her call.
Last year my (step)dad spent nearly ten months over in both Iraq and Afghanistan. This wasn't his first deployment over there, but the last one was in the 80s and he did suffer minor PTSD after that. Apparently he is having a very hard time this time around and it's affecting his job among other things, but he doesn't think he needs help. She apparently has contacted the VA to get him the help she thinks he needs, but I hate to tell her that it's only any good if he's receptive to it. She said something about because she's been through major depression (and is apparently the only one who has that matters), she knows it'll help him, I just hate to tell her that as someone who had that forced upon them, it may only push him away.
I don't think there's enough of me left to deal with more 'stuff' from everyone else. Some part of me feels that this is just one more thing that will separate me from everyone else. I know that must be pretty selfish of me to say, but I'm feeling a bit selfish right now. I spend so much time helping everyone else with homework, transportation, work, life, etc that I just need some time to myself. The last day I had to myself was at the beginning of the year, and even then it wasn't really on my own.