Monday, June 15, 2009

What wedding?

As of this morning we have officially cancelled all wedding plans. We didn't have a fight or a difference of opinion. My mother happened.

I originally had three bridemaids and three groomsmen until I felt the urge to eject one of the girls from my wedding party (very long other story). Despite months of my insistance that I did not need to replace her, my mother called last week to say she had found me another bridesmaid, a person I didn't even know. So I said thanks, but no.

So she said, well, then we're not going to pay for anything else to do with your wedding and if you cancel, you will have to pay us back the deposits we've lost.


You see, for as often as I stand my ground with pretty much everyone else on earth, I've never stood up to her. So now she's bad-mouthing my fiancee, because this 'sudden personality change' is 'entirely due to him'.

Again, no.