Saturday, June 6, 2009

The ball is now rolling... straight into pandora's box...

So the hothead in me got an alert from the kind little company who charges me twenty bucks a month to tell me if my credit information gets any worse. This time it was a new address in Virginia I supposedly lived at, which I have so obviously not. I started doing some research and finally got fed up with all of this 'they're military so we won't help' but 'it's a civilian matter and not our problem' bs and typed up a letter. I'm good at letters.

In this delightful little (page long) letter I have listed the family's names, approximate birth years, children's specific medical issues, his enlisment and where he was stationed last, and in what deparment, along with an outline of why I will not rest until they are in jail.

I then sent it to every email and fax number I could find related to the US Navy on the eastern seaboard.

Nope, not obsessed. Want some !^*&ing justice once and for all. Am tired of not being able to get jobs, bank accounts, basic utilites or other services, and loans in my name. Am pissed that I can't get a credit card if I wanted to because of them. Hope the Navy took my hint that newspapers and public forums online will be next to get that letter.

They are so going down, don't care how long it takes and who else has to go down with them. And god willing, those children will be put in foster care.