Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I'd never really thought about how other people perceive the outcome of a child raised in a chaotic and violent environment. How they expect that such a child inevitably grows up to repeat the cycle. But does it have to be that way?

Does a child exposed to abuse and domestic violence, childhood rape and repeated betrayal, and ultimately domestic violence within one of their own relationships really have no choice but to follow the same path? Is it beyond reality to consider such a child can grow up despite their environment and become a regular person?

Or can the nature of the child determine a more positive outcome? Can personality protect from reality, act as a buffer of sorts between environment and the most obvious outcome? In nature versus nurture, can nature take a child beyond the limited experience of nurture and create a person who knows to be aware of their past and to consciously move past it?

I sat there listening to them determining that environment produces society's troubling figures. I wanted to ask what they thought would happen when a child was raised through some of the worst environmental factors and how they figured the child would turn out as an adult. How they would react if they knew someone they worked with or lived near has had such a tumultuous childhood. In knowing, would they tend to avoid the person out of fear for what could possibly happen?

Back to the days of forced sterilization, would they recommend that such a person not have and raise children of their own in an attempt to stop the cycle?

Would knowing change how they viewed a person?