Wednesday, October 28, 2009


The mothering is getting old. I get it at work, in the neighborhood, from people who don't even have kids. Some act like they have every right to tell me what to do, which they don't, and the one person I figured would do it the most, hasn't.

My MIL pretty much doesn't offer up anything unless asked, which is nice. But a friend(ish) went all control freak when I mentioned looking into a place that offers alternative birthing options. Because it is so her place to have any say-so whatsoever.

A neighbor who has no kids felt the urge to give me all of her opinions on what I should do and those at work really have only gotten onto me for lifting anything heavier than like, my finger. Moved an empty suitcase the other day (did not lift, pushed) and got an ear full. Was all like really? If I can't do this then pretty much everything else is out of the question.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Still can't believe it's true. Also can't believe that the doctor's office first sat me down with a list (before insurance mind you) of the total cost. On top of that, I called said insurance to see what coverage I actually got for what I'm paying and apparently it's some big secret because the woman wouldn't tell me. Just to have the doctors office call and they'd explain it to them. So I yelled at her. Didn't accomplish much in doing so, but I felt better.
The last couple days I've felt fine, but today seems to be making up for it. Still haven't spoken to my mother.

Monday, October 12, 2009

So very not the flu

I believed it was the flu, people everywhere are sick with it. Dropping like flies. Of course, people at work are dropping as well with something different. The girls are anyway. And it's not swine flu or regular flu. It's babies. And apparently I've caught it too.

He want's a girl. I want a boy. Think it'll be a girl. But we have a long wait before finding out.

Until then we'll settle for healthy.